Quality Assurance

The company has the knowledge and expertise to provide quality services across a full range of ecological issues. Although our team is small, we have an excellent network of skilled associates in both the UK and Ireland which ensures that we have capacity to carry out projects at scale. Both Directors are full members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). This means that Allen and Mellon Environmental adhere to codes of practice and guidelines which ensures a high quality of work for the client.


We are a one‐stop‐shop for ornithological expertise.

Both Directors have years of experience in developing, managing and conducting ornithological surveys and monitoring.

Our extensive range of services includes:

  • Design and project management of surveys

  • Monitoring programmes

  • Conservation strategies and Action Plans

  • Advice on habitat management for birds

  • Site management plans

  • Training on bird survey techniques

Red Grouse nest - Antrim Hills

SM2+ bat detector

Bat Survey and Assessments

All bat species are protected by law and surveys of bat activity or roosting bats are required for many types of developments. For example a bat roost survey is likely to be required for projects involving demolition of buildings or removal of trees. Bat activity surveys may be required when hedges or other vegetation is to be removed or if floodlighting is being installed. Contact us for advice about bat survey requirements.

We have been trained in bat survey techniques and are equipped to provide the following services (under licence where required):

  • Bat activity surveys using ultrasonic bat detectors

  • Monitoring using static recorders

  • Roost assessments of buildings and trees

  • Licenced searches for roosting bats

  • Bat emergence and re-entry surveys

  • Analysis of bat sounds using Kaleidoscope Pro software

Main badger sett, County Tyrone

Protected Species Surveys

We are experienced in surveying terrestrial species protected under the Wildlife (NI) Order 1985 (as amended) or the Conservation (Natural Habitats etc) Regulations NI 1995 (as amended).

Badgers surveys are required for many types of development and we can advise on survey needs. We are also experienced in surveying other protected species such as red squirrel, otter, common lizard and smooth newt, under licence where required.

We use camera traps to record mammal activity to provide more detailed information in a cost‐effective manner, and provide advice on mitigation measures.

Dunarree Hill larval web.JPG

Marsh fritillary larval web


We are leaders in lepidoptera and entomological surveys. Our ecologists are highly experienced and skilled at survey and monitoring of the protected marsh fritillary butterfly and have discovered many new Irish colonies of this vulnerable species.

We have carried out surveys of odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) at sites across Ireland, including the protected Irish damselfly.

We can add value to any survey by recording invertebrate species. With our experienced associates we are also able to undertake major invertebrate monitoring projects, such as condition assessments of protected sites. 

Through our work for the Heritage Council our team re-discovered the white prominent moth in the birch woods of County Kerry after an absence of over 70 years.  Read more about this in our Projects section.

Biodiversity Checklists & Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Many planning applications must now be accompanied by a Biodiversity Checklist, to be completed by a qualified ecologist. We can complete your checklist and advise on whether any ecological work may be required.

In some cases the Biodiversity Checklist will identify the need for a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA). Most PEAs include an extended Phase One Habitat Survey and assessment of suitability for protected species, including a preliminary bat roost assessment, all of which we can provide.

Habitat Surveys

We provide habitat surveys including JNCC Phase 1 (NI) and Fossitt (RoI) which are required as part of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or due diligence searches. Our cost‐effective extended Phase 1 surveys are tailored to include protected mammal surveys when required. If NVC Phase 2 surveys are required we will work with our associates to meet your needs.

Ecological Clerk of Works

We provide an ecological clerk of works service for major construction projects including wind farms. We will work with your construction team and contractors to ensure that all ecological conditions and requirements are achieved.


Management Planning

We can develop and produce prescriptive, costed management plans for any site, large or small, including large Natura 2000 sites or small parks where ecological management is a goal. We also prepare Habitat Management & Enhancement Plans for development sites including wind farms. We are leaders in developing mitigation measures such as upland pools for invertebrates. 

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) & Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

We are highly experienced at compiling ecology sections for Environmental Impact Assessments. We also have expertise in the appropriate assessment process for Natura 2000 sites across Ireland. We have prepared Habitats Regulations Assessment / Natura Impact Assessment reports for plans and projects in both jurisdictions.

Training and Advice

We believe that training and education is key for protecting our environment. We can deliver bespoke training sessions for your organisation on a wide range of biodiversity issues. Working with Woodrow Environmental Consultants we provided technical training to 15 local authorities in Ireland including detailed guidance on protecting Natura 2000 sites and planning for biodiversity. In Northern Ireland we have delivered training and advice on HRA and the Biodiversity Duty.

We also provide training on managing habitats, survey techniques or species identification to small groups or even individuals.